uthor: tiffanywindhurst
Shine serums are quite popular to spray onto your hair and give it some gloss and radiance. However, you don’t need to buy shine in bottle. You can create your own natural shine in your hair, without adding chemical products.
Certain foods will increase the natural gloss in your hair and also add strength and manageability. Eating lots of fruits and vegetable will give your hair lots of shine producing vitamins.
If you are in your thirties or beyond, you might notice your hair has begun to look dull. As we age, the natural compounds in the body start to change and slow down in production. Eyes begin to show lines, skin is less firm and the hair loses its luster.
A slow down of thyroxine production in the body is the reason your hair isn’t as shiny as it used to be. However, you can supplement this production by eating foods that are rich in seaweed properties to help stimulate the natural production of thyroxine, which will in turn brighten up your hair.
Adding some beans to your diet is a great tip for increasing the glossiness. Beans actually perform two major functions for aging hair. They increase the shine and healthy look of your locks, but they also inhibit the loss of pigment in your hair. Eating beans on a regular basis will prevent those white and gray hairs from sprouting, so make sure you add them to your diet.
One of the quickest and easiest ways to add some super shine and glossy coating to your hair is cold water. While not everyone can handle washing their hair in cold water, you can at least give yourself a cold water rinse. When you are done your shower, simply turn the taps to cold and give yourself an invigorating cold water rinse. Not only will this revitalize your skin and close all your pores, it’s guaranteed to give your hair a brilliant shine.
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