Friday, December 17, 2010

Women HairStyles

Hairstyles Tips: How to Avoid Split Hair

Most of the ladies fond long hair often encounter split ends as a problem. Despite doing a trimming on your own but often fail to prevent split ends from occurring again over your beautiful hair. Those who seriously want to know how to get rid of split ends must initially know what the split ends stand for and how they develop. So are you ready for this?

Actually dry and brittle hairs are the most susceptible ones to get victimized of split ends. Dying the hair with harmful chemicals and doing jerky combing or brushing over the hair cause splits ends, which each affected woman wants to get rid of anxiously. Lets have a look at the major causes of split ends.

* Dry scalp.
* Exposure to UV rays.
* Use of harmful chemical products and excessive dye.
* Lack of nourishment.
* Vigorous brushing and random combing.
* Use of combs and brushes made of metals.
* Brushing wet hair.
* Uncovered elastic bands.
* Use of satin pillows.
* Excessive use of hair dryer.
* Random trimming.

Also known as trichoptlosis, the split ends are a common problem occurring over dry and brittle hair. Providing a protective cover to the strands of hair is the cuticle which keeps our hair healthy and beautiful, maintaining its natural shine. Such conspicuous cuticle, if damaged, due either to random brushing, combing or applying chemical dyes on hair always fails to perform its defensive role. Such a failure on a part of cuticle in providing proper protection to the hair causes the hair to split into different ends, commonly known as split ends.

The beauty and hair-conscious women getting paranoid of such split ends on their hair seek to learn how to get rid of split ends for ever without bothering to trim them again and again. Keeping in view an embarrassment you women must be passing through regarding split ends, we are presenting over here the simple haircare tips on how to get get rid of common split end problem.

1. Provide The Moisture To Hair – Though all the market shampoos claim themselves to contain sufficient moisturizer, it often proves to be a false commercial propaganda. Hence get yourself acquainted only with a moisture-providing shampoo so as to prevent your hair from getting parched or dried and develop split ends latter on. As we are seeking to learn how to get rid of split ends, applying good conditioner is the only way to get rid of split ends.

Wash you hair regularly with the shampoo and apply conditioner thereafter in order to provide the hair with sufficient moisture and prevent the split ends from developing on your hair. Shampooing and applying the conditioner on your well-washed hair accomplishes all the defensive tasks which only the natural cuticle of hair performs, providing us complete protection from common wear and tear. So just after washing and conditioning your hair, cover the bunch of your hair with a towel for ten to fifteen minutes of time. Let your hair dry naturally without using dryer and then comb over them. Handling your hair once a week with such a great care has got to help you get rid of split ends efficiently.

2. Massage the hair – Massage your hair with a Luke warm natural oil such as olive oil, almond oil or coconut oil in order to get rid of split ends. Just after massaging your hair with Luke warm oil let the oil be absorbed completely by your hair and scalp. The penetration of Luke warm oil will provide your hair with plenty of moisture and thus help you get rid of split ends efficiently.

Another effective way to get rid of split ends is penetrating the oil deep into the hair through steaming process. Boil a glass of water and mix in it the oil. Now pour it slowly and with a great care over your head and let it be spread all over your hair. Let it be absorbed by your hair which in turn will make your hair supple, soft and strong, immune to common split ends on hair.

3. Comb your hair with a care – Neither brush you hair with a great jerk nor comb it randomly. Handle your hair with a great care while combing or brushing in order to avoid the split ends that have got to accrue due to harshest treatment meted out to them through careless combing or brushing. Never brush or comb your hair when they are wet. Being too mild to be uprooted or broken, the wet hair develop split ends losing the natural cuticle(preventive cover) of hair.

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